Donation Hours for Clothing and Household Goods

Clothing and household item donations will be accepted during the following hours:

Mon., Tues., Thurs: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Wed: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

About Us

Our Mission

It is our mission and great honor to serve all who have served or are still serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. It is our responsibility to collaborate with our community partners to provide meaningful and compassionate support to all of our military veterans and their families to foster healing and growth and promote their thriving in the community during and after active duty.

Our Roots

The Veterans Association of Bristol County was founded by veterans in September of 1987 to serve the veterans of the Vietnam war living in Bristol County, MA. It was primarily intended to help veterans process paperwork to receive their VA benefits and provide counseling when needed.

veterans center of fall river
veterans association of bristol county
veterans center of fall river
veterans association of bristol county

Guiding Principles


At VABC, we are passionate about our clients. Wholeheartedly, we want to serve them because we are thankful for what they have done for our country and understand they need a helping hand, whether it’s for a day or a lifetime. We boldly advocate for them, while dealing with the Government and its agencies or any other community partner we team up with to obtain the best services available! We look at the help needed for the entire family and not just the veteran. Veterans of both genders, of all wars, and regardless of the position held in duty are welcomed at VABC! We have respect for and passion to provide our clients with the peace of mind, and physical comfort they deserve. We view it as a service to our country.


As a respectable non-profit organization, established in the community of Fall River, MA; we commit to open communication and full transparency with our clients, our donors and all community partners. We strive to do what is honest and right and will benefit our clients and their families. We obey the law of Massachusetts and our organization’s By-Laws. We are financially and fiscally responsible and hold our team accountable in all we do.


We promise to respect each other, work together and build bridges with community partners to create a support network for those who served our country. We don’t work alone, we believe in team effort and encouraging each other through the highs and lows of rehabilitation after return from deployment and even during active duty. We want to create an atmosphere that will foster healing and growth through counseling, coaching and training.


At VABC, we look for creative ways to engage veterans in activities of their interest and coaching they need to reinsert. While using those activities as a therapy to help veterans through PTSD and other war-related trauma, we strive to build a fun team atmosphere that encourages them and stimulate creativity for healing and growth. We are always looking for better ways, innovative ways to bring information to and from our community. We labor at building new bridges within the community to strengthen programs to benefit everyone involved.