Donation Hours for Clothing and Household Goods

Clothing and household item donations will be accepted during the following hours:

Mon., Tues., Thurs: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Wed: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Veteran Integration

Veteran Integration Program – Goodwill & NVF

Goodwill of Southern Nevada Veteran Integration Program

Call 888-777-4443 today for help getting a job in Las Vegas.  Ask about the Goodwill VIP Program.  

Veteran Integration ProgramThe National Veterans Foundation has partnered with Goodwill of Southern Nevada, located in Las Vegas, to connect the NVF’s vet-to-vet counseling with Goodwill’s Veteran Integration Program (VIP).  VIP provides training and job opportunities for veterans transitioning from the military to civilian life.

National Veterans Foundation gets calls from veterans all over the country, including Las Vegas, looking for work.  Goodwill of Southern Nevada’s Veteran Integration Program helps veterans find meaningful employment.

To support the VIP Program, make a donation today.

Donate to NVF

Veteran Integration Program Goodwill