Donation Hours for Clothing and Household Goods

Clothing and household item donations will be accepted during the following hours:

Mon., Tues., Thurs: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Wed: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Community Events

1st Annual BBQ
Snowshoe Griller

Get ready for a sizzling adventure on March 30th at the Fall River Elks Lodge from 11 AM to 5 PM! It’s a family-friendly celebration of winter, BBQ, and outdoor fun. You don’t want to miss this event!

General Admission to watch the competition is $5 per person at the door.  

Are you a culinary virtuoso when it comes to the grill? Seize the opportunity to showcase your expertise by participating in the griller competition, where you can put your skills to the ultimate test. For more information, visit and click on the events tab. 

Badge vs. Badge
Basketball game

Last year, the Fall River Fire Department brought the heat and won the game! Will history repeat itself and leave the boys in blue feeling blue? Join us for an evening of spirited camaraderie at this family-friendly event to benefit the VABC on Thursday, April 18, 2024. This event will be held at the Durfee High School Field House and starts at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased ahead of time at the VABC, Fall River Police Station, the Fall River Fire Headquarters, or at the door.


Join us August 3, 2024


Help us raise funds to help our veterans and enjoy 100+ Classic Cars, Motorcycles, and Trucks, and fun for the kids with first-responder vehicles ready to climb on!

  • Surprise guests!!! and so much more!!!
  • Safe parking lot
  • Admissions free!!!


Bristol Community College Fall River Campus 
777 Elsbree Street – Fall River, MA 02720
Ken Levesque  |   (508) 679-9277 

veterans association of bristol county