Donation Hours for Clothing and Household Goods

Clothing and household item donations will be accepted during the following hours:

Mon., Tues., Thurs: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Wed: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Education and Training

The National Veterans Foundation provides education and training for veterans…by veterans.

Topics and Speakers — Community Education

No one is immune to the impact of adversity and traumatic experiences. Combat stress and trauma affect those in military service, their families, and the community. Trauma disrupts healthy body and brain function, contributes to mental health problems, and can lead to destructive ways of coping. Reintegration back into civilian society can be difficult. Without support and specific tools to make the transition smoother, life can spiral out of control.

The good news is that there are ways to recover and build the resiliency needed to succeed in civilian life. Dedicated therapists, counselors, caregivers, and all those providing personal support can be more effective when they understand how trauma impacts us and how relationships are a primary factor in the healing process. To be a part of the solution, we need to understand how to engage survivors of trauma.

Veteran Training4 Points Builds a STAR is a full engagement program, taught exclusively by Melinda Meshad, LCSW and Shad Meshad, LCSW CTS,  a leading expert in military trauma, reintegration, and engagement skills needed for a successful rapport. This two-day transformative training, while providing a thorough overview of trauma and its impact, does so in order to link this understanding with evidence-based and trauma-informed engagement strategies that promote the well-being needed for positive veteran reintegration.Topics and Speakers — Training

As Founder and President of the Quantum Performance Institute, a Faculty Member of the International Critical Incidence Stress Foundation, Board Member of the Green Cross Project, Past President of the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists, and a Licensed Social Worker with more than 3 decades of experience treating the psychological wounds of war, NVF President Shad Meshad conducts workshops to educate, train and certify first responders who work with trauma victims and those who serve veterans.

A partial list of Meshad’s available training programs:

  • PTSD/Secondary PTSD Treatment
  • Compassion Fatigue/Secondary Trauma
  • Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
  • Anger Management

For More Information

Click to download full size brochure

To arrange for a speaker for your class, training seminar, or other event, call our toll-free number 1-888-777-4443, or e-mail us at