Donation Hours for Clothing and Household Goods

Clothing and household item donations will be accepted during the following hours:

Mon., Tues., Thurs: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Wed: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Veteran Service Officers

Veteran Service Officers will help you write and submit your benefits claims to the VA. Their services are free. They will help you gather the information that supports your claim. Once the claim is filed they will help you track the claim through the system. They can also help you file appeals for denied claims.

It is important that you use a Veteran Service Officer. They will help you avoid the delays that missing paperwork or improperly filled out claims can cause.

We have provided direct links to the major national Veteran Service Organizations, and to state and county Veteran Service Officers. You can use those links to find Veteran Service Officers near you. Of course, you can call us at 888-777-4443 and we will help you locate a VSO.

Veteran Service Organizations

You can see a complete listing of approved organizations on the VA’s website here. If you are a member of one of those we suggest you contact them for help.

The Following Organizations have Veteran Service Officers Nationwide

You do not have to be a member of these organization to use their services.

State Veteran Affairs Offices

Every state provides Veteran Service Officers. They will help with VA claims, and they can help you identify benefits available from your state government. Those state benefits can be reduced property taxes, educational benefits, and more.

Click on your State below to locate a State or County VSO near you.

Please tell us at if any of these links are broken. We’ll update the state’s changes immediately.

For more information about Veteran Service Officers or help finding one contact us.